Maundy Thursday Experience

All Church Event

Once again this year, HGBC will offer a Maundy Thursday Experience. You and your family are invited to participate together in this time of reflection and the receiving of the Lord’s Supper. Individuals or families will enter in 15-minute time increments beginning at 6:30 pm on March 28. A handout of information and instruction will be provided to guide you through the event. Please park in the south parking lot and begin in Fellowship Hall. There will be no childcare for this evening as we encourage families to participate in this experience together. 


After receiving the Lord’s Supper, you will be directed to leave the worship center through the side doors. As you exit, you may choose to place a benevolence offering in the basket as a symbol of your gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice.   


It is our prayer that this experience will be a somber reminder of the high cost of our salvation even as we look forward to the joyous celebration of the resurrection of Christ Jesus.  

Event Coordinator Shirley Eberst

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