Pastor Jason Atchley - February 7, 2024

by Jason Atchley on February 07, 2024

Have you heard the phrase, “Time in, erodes awareness of.” The concept to this phrase is the longer you are a part of something the less you notice certain aspects. It happens in church life all the time. One of those areas that erodes over time is what it's like to be a first-time guest. Helping individuals and families connect with our church family is not just a job for those who serve on the welcome team or hold a leadership position. Hospitality it is a role for all of us to engage in. God has sent over 100 first time guests through our doors in the past 6 months. It is critical for you and me to constantly “think like a guest.” Let’s make it easy for new people to connect with HG.

One area we must not lose sight of involves our giving to the Imagine Initiative. You have given so faithfully and sacrificially and the finish line is just ahead of us. In less than a year, you have given nearly 90% of the total needed to fully fund phase one. Thank You! Phil Esch, spokesperson for our newly formed Imagine Strategy Team, updated the church family this past Sunday and challenged us to in two ways; one, fulfill the pledge we made and if possible increase it and secondly, to raise the remaining $165,000 within the next 90 days or by May 1. Time and time again you have answered the call and I am confident, through God’s grace, you will do it again.

Here’s to Year One,


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